Dear Institutionalized, Systemic Homophobia:
I’m done with you. And, to top it off, it seems like you need some kind of proof that you still permeate through every bit of air, some areas more toxic than others. You seem to say things like no one cares about that anymore—you drop words like domestic partnerships as proof. You correctly refer to the ways in which much of the world has changed.
And it has.
But not enough. Not nearly enough.
Here are just a few reasons:
· When major political candidates promise a constitutional amendment to keep gays and lesbians (by law) as inferior human beings, and there isn’t a national outrage, and this candidate isn’t blackballed from his campaign, but, is instead, the ‘leader’ in his party, there’s too much TOLERANCE for homophobia.
· When another political candidate thinks that being gay can be prayed away (I guess that’s what her husband did), there’s too much TOLERANCE for homophobia.
· When, out of the 5,000 or so books my school has in its library, not one of them mentions having two moms or two dads, there’s too much TOLERANCE for homophobia.
· When, in referring to homosexuality, it is still implicitly or directly connected to bestiality and/or polygamy, there is too much TOLERANCE for homophobia.
· When it is automatically assumed that, yes, even children are straight—when we ask little girls if they have crushes on boys and vice-versa, there is still too much TOLERANCE for homophobia.
· When, while sitting at a computer at school, a young Human Being gets shot in the head for having called a male classmate his Valentine, there is too much TOLERANCE for homophobia. For calling him his Valentine. He was killed.
It was the shooter’s fault. But, had the air been cleared, had we gotten INTOLERANT to homophobia, I bet this wouldn’t have happened.
· When our goal for relating to each other is TOLERANCE and not ACCEPTANCE, there is too much TOLERANCE for homophobia.
Can’t Believe this Kid was Killed. The world can no longer accept breathing in bigoted air of any kind.