I want to start a revolution, that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. I want to start a revolution, and I’m not Tracy Chapman. I want to start a revolution.
(not me. although I think we play on the same team.)
This school has a “No-Tolerance” Bullying “Policy,”
That school has a “No-Tolerance” Bullying “Policy.”
This organization has a “No-Tolerance” Bullying “Policy,”
That organization has a “No-Tolerance” Bullying “Policy.”
But, there’re a few problems.
One: it’s merely a Policy. Think about it.
Two: An organization is only as strong as its people. It’s really only as strong as its weakest person.
Think of the weakest person you know. Do you want something as important as an Anti-Bullying Policy to be left in the hands of this person? Sigh. If you only knew who I was picturing…
There’s something inherently wrong with leaving the task of protecting our most vulnerable to any Organization’s Policy.
What am I talkin’ ‘bout? A revolution.
Once upon a time, THIS WEEK, there was a Little Autistic Boy. We’ll call him Ben. The fact that Ben happens to be utterly adorable seems unimportant, but I feel compelled to toss it in. Anyway, turns out, Ben has been bullied at my Happy Little Elementary School for Weeks on End. But, you ask, Don’t you have an ANTI BULLYING POLICY? Of course. Also, Don’t you have a Fantastic Little School? Yes, mostly. Aren’t many of the teachers at your school unbelievably perceptive, caring, and good at what they do? Indeed. Isn’t your principal pretty good? Well… yeeeees… And what about your assistant principal? Don’t you say she walks on water? I do.
What happened, you ask?
It’s a Policy run by People, remember? Imagine an unenforced policy in the hands of the weakest person you know and, well, little Ben gets taunted continually and, oh yeah, eventually beaten up. Kids circle around and point at him. They mimic him. They have no understanding or appreciation for the fact that he has autism. The kids rally around each other: they’ve found a common enemy! It’s 50-pound Ben! How Cool These Kids Are! How Powerful! What a Fantastic Common Enemy! Let’s HURT BEN!
Policies can work, but sometimes don’t. Organizations can be mostly strong, but not completely.
Bullying is personal.
Kids need to know that someone will DO something.
Here’s my revolution: it’s the I WILL INTERVENE Coalition. It’s not that my SCHOOL has an anti-bullying policy, it’s that I have an anti-bullying Commitment. And I am not weak and I am not a policy.
What does this mean? This means that I will keep my eyes and ears open. I will be a safe place for a victim to go. I will put my nose where it might not belong. I will make any bullying MY BUSINESS. I will inform whoever needs to be informed of any potential bullying situation. If those “in charge” do not handle the situation, I will report it to the police.
If this somehow became huge, then our coalition would be monumentally more powerful than any bully or any group of bullies. Kids also need to identify themselves as “interveners.”
It’s easy to look away. It’s easy to make it someone else’s problem. It’s easy to want to assume that a situation can rectify itself and that Kids Will Be Kids. It’s easy to just figure or hope that anti-bullying policies are working. Maybe some are, don’t know. You know what’s not so easy? Seeing Ben’s beaten-up face. Picture the most innocent-looking kid you know with his face beaten up. Meet Ben.
And, guess what? Ben’s parents don’t even advocate for him! Know why? Kids Will Be Kids, I guess? They’re too busy? Didn’t notice? Don’t care? I HAVE NO IDEA!
If they won’t, I will. I WILL INTERVENE. Will you?
I want to start a revolution, will you help?
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