The challenge I choose to embrace is not whether or not I can successfully place my Z in a triple-word square or whether I can find a use for a J at the end of an existing word and use it to begin my new word. Nor do I choose to define myself by how many successive games I am miraculously able to lose! (Lookout Guinness!)
…the real challenge I find is how to incorporate these pseudo/bizzaro words that WWF has blessed as acceptable into real life—namely, mine.
(does this lady just casually walk in for a manicure to places that accept walk-ins?)
In the next week, I hope to use the following “words”...
1. QI means… apparently it’s a variant of “chi.” It doesn’t even have it’s own definition! Instead, the online dictionary only defines it’s “variant,” CHI. Definition of CHI: vital energy that is held to animate the body internally and is of central importance in some Eastern systems of medical treatment (as acupuncture) and of exercise or self-defense (as tai chi) Variants of CHI chi or ch'i also qi Origin of CHI Ch (Beijing) qì, literally, air, breath. First Known Use: 1850.
How I plan to use it: don’t mess with my QI. OR, Can I get a grilled QI sandwich? Or, my brother’s fraternity was called Theta-Qi.
2. Definition of AG (adjective) : of or relating to agriculture <ag schools> First Known Use of AG circa 1918
How I plan to use it: “Because I have a blue thumb, and the 99cent store plant my student got me died the same day she gave it to me (after it had been transPLANTED to my care), I would never pursue AG study.
3. Op is short for optical art and also... abbr operation; operative; operator, operation, opus.
My near-future use: “I’m having an awesome op today!” I hope the listener understands my intended meaning: I’m scheduled for a hysterectomy. You see, to me, never having my period again would be awesome! What an OPportunity!"
4. Gan is passed tense of GIN, which is short for begin.
My use: “It wasn’t long after my WWE’s game GAN that I GAN to lose.”
5. Jane: Slang chiefly US a girl or woman.
My intended use: “Did she have a John or a Jane?”
There are more weird words I’ve discovered in the week and a half I’ve GIN to play WWE. There’s lee and jo and da and ed and ne and zig and zag (not zigzag. These are separate).
I’m too lazy to look them all up now because this jane OPts to GIN her AG so I don’t ‘sturb my QI.
I also don’t want to look them up now because it’s about that time to return to my newest addiction…